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Surat Keterangan Kerja / Letter of Reference

Mungkin ada sedang mencari apa bahasa Inggrisnya Surat Keterangan Kerja seperti saya hehe. Setelah saya cari ternyata agak susah, akan tetapi akhirnya saya menemukan artinya disalah satu blog klik disini dan ternyata Surat Keterangan Kerja dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Letter of Reference. Nah anda sebagai pelamar pastinya ingin menyertakan kata Surat Keterangan Kerja atau pernah bekerja di perusahaan tertenut bukan. Jadi anda dapat menulis “Copy of Letter of Reference” di sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam surat lamaran (Application letter).

Letter of Reference merupakan surat keterangan yang menyebutkan bahwa kita/ yang bersangkutan pernah bekerja di suatu perusahaan tertentu selama sekitan tahun / bulan yang memegang jabatan terntetu, bisa juga ditambahkan kelebihan kita selama bekerja. Dan yang paling penting kenapa kita keluar / berhenti (Quit) dari perusahaan tersebut. Inget yang nulis perusahaan bukan kita lo.

Nah berikut contohnya. ane kutip dari blog


90 Jl. terentu  – Solo 12310


                                                                              December 10, 2010

Letter of Reference

We, the undersigned, would like to notify that Nama anda was one of our company’s employees. He already resigned from our company.

He used to work in our company 3 years ago. His last position was an Accounting Officer. During his service, he has shown his dedication in handling his job responsibly. To our knowledge, he is good at doing the accounting job. He also has a good personality and not only could cooperate with his team but also with other departments employees in our company.

We hope that this letter of reference will be very much useful and helpful for anyone who wants to employ him to do the same job as stated above. It is no doubt that he is the right person for the post of accounting.

Yours faithfully,



Personnel Manager

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